Workshop in Orestiada
A workshop was held during the visit of our collaborators, Prof Nicole van Dam (iDiv) and Prof. Anke Steppuhn (University of Hohenheim) in Orestiada, Greece (21-23/05/2023). Dr. Alexander Weinhold attended the meeting online due to health issues. More than 30 students and faculty members attended the workshop and had the opportunity to discuss with the speakers.
Presentation of the BeMOST project – Acarological Society of America
Dr. Maria Pappas was invited to give a talk for the series of seminars of Acarological Society of America (invitation: Dr. Emilie Demard), 15/11/2023
Presentation of the BeMOST project – Soildatiry Horizon EU project meeting
Dr. Maria Pappas was invited to give a talk for the series of seminars of Acarological Society of America (invitation: Prof. Cristina Cruz), 25/11/2022.
BeMOST abstract accepted to BES Ecology Across Borders 2021!
We are happy to participate to BES with the presentation of a virtual poster.
Kostantinos, Paraskevi and Marianna join BeMOST group! (June 2021)
We are very happy to welcome three new members in our group!
BeMOST on the HFRI website!
Invited talk to IOBC Meeting 2023 Integrated Control in Protected Crops, Temparate and Mediterranean Climate (moved to August 2023 due to covid-19)
BeMOST participates with an invited talk at the IOBC Meeting to be held in Brest, France.
BeMOST participates to Entomology 2020 (November 2020)
Maria Pappas has given an oral presentation of BeMOST results on the plant-mediated effects of beneficial soil microbes against arthropod pests during Entomology 2020.
Welcome to Myrsini!!! (November 2020)
Myrsini has joined BeMOST since November. She will join forces with Tania and Thodoris in the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying herbivore-plant interactions and how these are affected by the presence of microbes.
Welcome to Tania and Thodoris!!! (June 2020)

Tania and Thodoris have just joined our group! They will work on the plant-mediated effects of beneficial microbes on tomato pests and their natural enemies.
BeMOST is recruiting 2 PhD students!!! (March 2020)

The BeMOST research group includes two PhD students and one postdoctoral researcher. Currently, we are in the process of recruiting the PhD students who are expected to conduct their theses during the course of the project. More information will come up soon!
Kick-off meeting (February 2020)

The Kick-off meeting of the BeMOST took place on February 6, 2020 via Skype. All partners were present and actively participated to the discussions. Specifically, the PI gave an overall presentation of the project, the partners talked about their contributions to specific Work Packages of the project and to the training scheme of the PhD students. In addition, Maria Pappas presented the timeplan of BeMOST and all partners discussed about practical matters as regards the experiments. The next meeting will take place after 6 months.
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