Prof. Dr. Anke Steppuhn is a Full-Professor of Molecular Botany the University of Hohenheim. She has a PhD in Ecology from the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena (Germany), where she was a researcher at the Max-Planck Institute of Chemical Ecology. In 2009 she became Professor of Molecular Ecology at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and since December 2019, she is Professor of Molecular Botany at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany). Her research focuses on insect-plant interactions and how these are influenced in more complex ecological interactions. She investigates these interactions on different levels ranging from the organismic scale to physiological and molecular parameters of plants and insects (plant metabolites including primary and secondary metabolism, phytohormones, gene transcription, enzymatic activities in plants and insect immune parameters). She has published 32 papers in leading scientific journal in the fields of ecology and plant sciences (h-index Scopus: 16 / Google Scholar: 19) and >800 citations on topics related to herbivore-plant interactions. She has coordinated and/or participated in 9 projects funded by the DFG, the DAAD and the EU (COST) and was or is a member of several institutional committees and boards as well as of scientific societies.